Swords | X - What Shape Is Our World

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/X/

ROUND? Round, like a… like a… like a shield!? My mind was just blown. The entire universe is a lie. Guess that guy wasn’t so much of a monster at all! I think I need to lie down.


Sword earth is just as likely as flat earth to be fair


Did anybody notice his throne has kargobs face on it?


This comic only reinforces the theory that how Karbog appears to you is based on how you imagine him

I did hear about this, but I’m inclined to suspect it for two reasons:

Xiphos is a six-eye believer who sees Kargob with four eyes here.

Great Sage of the Heavens is an eight-eye believer, it even shows this very prominently on his cloak. He sees Kargob with four eyes here as well.

This is why I think there’s something very wrong going on in DC (comic 600), where Kargob appears to have six eyes and enormous fangs.

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You monster!

*stabs* :dagger:

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In both of those instances, the characters see/interact with the gods directly, like when Xiphos is with Kargob in the Demon King’s stomach. In contrast, the six-eyed Kargob that Xiphos imagines in Swords | DC - The Dividing Cut
The Dividing Cut is more of a fading memory, and is shaped in the way Xiphos imagines him.

That’s just my take on this, I could be wrong


What with all the Pandemonium theories on here, I just had a thought! Lots of real creation tales explain that the world is made from the body of some enormous dead creature, right? Well, seven of the demons survived after Pandemonium was split up, but we don’t know where the sword one went. Maybe when it got killed Kargob used its body, or else its sword, to create the world. And it really could be a sword shape! After all, the Great Sage is wrong about other things in this comic…

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Ok hang on I’ve gotta look through all the episodes to see if we ever really see the earth

Edit: okay I got bored fast
It’s quite possible that Matthew has chosen to flip a trope again, this time we have “round-earthers” in a world that is sword-shaped

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I don’t recall us ever seeing the globe, but please feel free to correct me on that if you find something. That could be fun!

To be fair, it doesn’t look very sharp.

Hey, does anyone with Patreon want to release strategic comments about the Swords map to provide ambiguous insight on my hypothesis? :wink: