So, I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but recently, we have seen a change in the art style of the Swords comic. Obviously, the quality of the art has improved over the course of the series. Just compare Episode I to Episode DCCXVIII (the most recent one as of my writing this).
However, there was a more subtle shift of the art style around Episode DCLVII. The borders around objects became thinner, and everything took on a bit of a “cleaner” feel. I’m writing this because I personally like the older, thicker bordered style. It felt a little more fun, and helped the old episodes feel like the same comic even though the detailing on the new episodes became more complex.
Now, I want to clarify, I’m not calling on Matthew to change anything. I’m not going to stop reading the comic for this. As the artist, Matthew has complete and total jurisdiction over how he produces and styles his art, and I can’t, nor do I want to, change that. I’m just writing this because it was something I’ve noticed, and I’m wondering if anyone feels the same way.
Edit: As @InolienKiki pointed out, the epsiode I referenced was a guest episode. The actual shift in Matthew’s art seemingly occurred gradually around episode 500. So I guess this has been going on for a while, and I just noticed it.