Swords | DCCCIX ~ The End, The Beginning

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/DCCCIX/

I love the demon with the glasses and fake mustache trying desperately to pass as a person

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Holy crap, i never ever would’ve seen that. Thanks dreadedD

Oh, two crowns, now I get it.

Get what?

I’m a little lost

Baltad told Ryan to “Reclaim the two crowns,” and now Ryan is wearing two crowns: the Hiltshire crown (taken from Rapier Tapir) and Baltad’s crown (recovered from the Demon King)

Wait… Does this mean that Ryan is now in possession of two of Baltad’s blood/soul stones?

…Is he planning on making Ryan into a new vessel for his essence?!

Ohhhh Baltad’s crown

Honestly I’ve found it really hard to track


I’m interested in the cores as well

So one is obviously in Baltad as of now, one is in the crown reclaimed from the demon king and one was taken from Baltad’s godsword.

I’m confused on this point though: Is Xiphos Baltad’s champion, or is Ryan?

Also, this might be a dumb question but I can’t figure out what happened to Kargob? I figure we last saw him in Swords | DC - The Dividing Cut and he was last mentioned I think by Baltad in Swords | DCCLXXVIII ~ The Beginning Of Time ~ Part One ,saying that Kargob has made Xiphos a Lich?

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well, smith was baltad’s first champion but after kargob saw him in trouble he used his power to bestow the role of baltad’s champion to someone else, that new champion being ryan. that also was kargob’s last action before disintigrating thanos snapped style. i think kargob was appearing in xiphos’s subconsiouness in The Dividing Cut, and making xiphos a lich was likely so xiphos can become a new god. and strictly speaking xiphos is kargob’s champion, although that should be taken lightly as kargob has absolutley no interest in prophecies and all that, seeing them as just more work.

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introducing, dude notademon, a normal fellow who is definiatly not a demon.

I’m not entirely sure, but I think that Kargob’s plan is to make Xiphos into a lich and have him assume Kargob’s mantle as the God of Darkness.
Or maybe as a “God of Mortals Deciding Their Own Fates Instead Of Being The Gods’ Pawns”, but that doesn’t fit as well on the merch.

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this complicates things. two of baltad’s orbs are in the two crowns and the final one is in baltad himself. my attempt to get any of them now is exponentially harder. but on the plus side, I think I figured out how stabastian transformed.