Swords | DCCCL ~ The Demon Queen

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/DCCCL/

Demon Queen and her trusty sidearm, Demon Cutbert

Wow that was intense, unexpected, and a bit gorey!

noticed how she just wanted to learn her name and get rid of kargob’s curse, nothing bad or anything.


That’s a shame, I liked Unspeakable Darkness. Anyway, Joyeuse really pulls off that demon queen fit.

personally i would accept on two conditions, 1. no world conquering plots. 2. don’t do anything that would cause mortal death to my body.

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I’d say those are some pretty reasonable conditions.

The tan line is a hilarious detail.

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I wonder how long he’s been waiting to use that alt-text

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