Swords | DCCCLIX ~ Clean Up Run

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/DCCCLIX/

Is this a series of Pest Sprout proving he’s just as good and worthy of being called a hero as Quest Sprout?

I hope so!

Say, doesn’t the questgiver himself also appear immune to the sword’s curse? Why doesn’t he do it?

Maybe something else prevents the questgiver from climbing the mountain. Like a fear of heights, or of being purified himself!

this leads to two possibilties.

  1. pest sprout is so good hearted that he is immune to the sword
  2. being made by a demon he is innately immune to the curse

NPC questgivers can’t move, what if another adventurer comes by? They have to be there to give the other hero the cursed sword!

I feel that this could all be just Pest Sprout’s dream. Which would be interesting when they face Eternal Slumber in the Realm of Dreams, perhaps he’ll power up due to his dream questing?

Or I’m dreaming up stupidly complicated narratives and we’ll get a simpler and more elegant story by the author. I’m putting my money on the latter option.

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