Swords | DCCCLV ~ One Sword Man

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/DCCCLV/

Looks suspiciously like a mini whacking sword

why is this one only 3 panels

Are you saying it’s 1 fourth short?

My only question is about the maths… how is wielding 1 1 swords adding +9 damage to 1 sword?

Assuming each 1 Sword does 1 damage, dual wielding two of them would give 1 + 1 for a total of 2 base damage. However, by wielding both 1 Swords, you now have a 11 Sword, which is equivalent to 2 + 9, so you have a bonus of 9 damage in addition to the base damage from each individual sword.

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As for trying to unravel the meaning behind only 3 panels, the best I could figure is that the whole comic is a 3-2-1 countdown. First panel has 3 words, second has 2 words, and third has no words but has the 1 Sword. And then fourth is 0 and doesn’t appear.