Swords | DCCCLVII ~ Choose Your Weapon IV

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/DCCCLVII/

I would choose ‘this’. It’s made of hands, perfect for giving yourself a massage or scratching those -to-reach places on your back.

Eww, looks a bit grim to me. I’d choose the rejection sword then go around asking out the most beautiful women in the world. Either you get rejected (no big deal as it’s to be expected) and sword buffs, or get to go on some sweet dates!

What they don’t tell you is that the rejection sword’s power drops like a rock if you’re currently dating.

rejection looks cool so i’ll take that.

As someone who owns chickens, I can assure you that that rooster sword will be screaming 24/7