This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/DCCCXC/
I wonder if the Good Knight and the Night Knight get along, or because their callings overlap is there a rivalry?
eternal slumber vs team qwest, who will win? on one hand, demonic dream powers, on the other hand, power of friendship
Things are looking baaaaaaaahd for Eternal Slumber.
Eternal Slumber about to be put to sleep counting all those dream sheep.
This confused me initially because I didn’t spot the sheep in panel 3. In panel 4 it looked like Slumber had woken up from a bad dream under his lumpy blue duvet and screamed “Baa!”.
Love the endless sheep. I wonder how many there are. 1, 2, 3, – Zzzz
damn, you’re right to does look like that