Swords | DCCCXLIX ~ Stress Test

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/DCCCXLIX/

as Kirby has taught us, when someone is possessed, beat the shank out of them.

So that’s two of the former royal family of Hiltshire possessed by the demon swords. Good going, gang! Daddy would be proud.

Da’s not good…

Well now it has eight eyes

Darnit Joyeuse! That was a very dumb idea

Reminds me of an old Doctor Who episode where an archaeologist is showing off an ancient headdress called something like “the six-faced fool” but scoffs because there’s only five faces shown on it. Then he proceeds to wear it!

sound’s like the ancient folk in Doctor Who have a sense of humor.

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What if Joy’s eyes were actually always like that and we just didn’t know because she never opened them that wide before?

It was shown in Swords | DCCCXXV ~ Knife To Meet You that her natural eye colour is white with no obvious pupils.
