Swords | DCCLXVII ~ Gods and Guardians

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/DCCLXVII/

The mightiest guardian is born, but an even mightier hero is yet to sprout.


Oh man this lore drop is intense! No wonder the Nightmare Sword kidnapped her and no wonder she’s so powerful. This is so cool!

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Finally we know what it means! Mayest thou be blessed by Kargob, Matthew!

I just wanna know how that thing’s digestive tract works

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So Momma Sprout was the guardian of Bograk’s Hook. But, how did she lose it? Cause, at some point in time, King Hilton gave the sword to little Joyeuse as a birthday gift. How did he get it from Momma? I hope we learn, soon. I can’t wait.

Momma nice. She give Hilton it when he asked

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Wait, this also raises the question: Who is Quest Sprout’s father? Did Bograk make more of Momma’s species? Did he make her a husband cause she was lonely, like Adam and Eve? Did he give her Quest Sprout cause she was lonely? Was it mitosis? Very curious.

It took me like 30 seconds to realize it’s not quest sprout

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Yet I still wonder what would happens when all god sword band together if 3 is enough to kill a fully evolved demon, and why hilton want them so badly

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Hilton’s teacher told him to gather them all because his teacher thought it’d be the best way to protect them.

How many people would it need to be wielded? Two halves made a sword needing three people. Maybe all god-swords combined can only be wielded by Kargob.


Or a certain deceased barbarian king, holding the title…

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In real life, sprouts are a hermaphroditic species.
Maybe, through parthenogenesis, Momma Sprout brought forth Quest Sprout.
Maybe the analogy between Quest Sprout and Pest Sprout is closer than we previously thought.
Also, it’d make sense now if the sprout painting in the Wizards’ Ball is of Momma Sprout.


Certainty but we haven’t see Cleavus axe yet!

Because Tim find a way to the axe dimension, so it’s possible to bring the god axe ( if that is a thing ) back to the sword verse

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I think pest sprout is just a clone of moma’s made out of imagination since slumber have her, and he is the demon of dreams!

Maybe that’s the reason mama can say like normal and quest sprout and pest can only say “pe” “pest” “Qwest” and “momma” like a Pokémon

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:tada: Congratulations to Greg, for finally appearing for a third time!!! :tada:


We’ve seen Quest Sprout before she was taken though–

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