Swords | DCCLXXIII ~ The Demon Sword Chronicles ~ III

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/DCCLXXIII/

I absolutely love this miniseries

Why is he surprised there’s five? (I assume this is endless chaos talking to stroller, why is endless chaos in the first but not the second or this one?)

What do you guys think of Xiphos in the godrealm?

What will the orcs cook up and how will it affect the war against the humans? Will bread knight come to the rescue, possibly with tapir in tandem or will they complete their battle (tapir won’t die in that battle because endless chaos kills him in DCC iirc)

So many questions :v

Edit: sword of endless chaos is only in the first because these aren’t full comics they don’t have comic numbers

Silly me

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If the fact that like 90% of all religious references made by the Swords World inhabitants are specifically referring to Kargob is anything to go by, it wouldn’t surprise me if the other 4 gods aren’t as well-known outside of specific cultures (such as Argok seeming to be actually living among the people of Katana).

I don’t like that Xiphos is in the godrealm standing before Baltad… the comments made by Kargob and Baltad way back in Page DC are still unsettling.

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“I’ve called my stomach “Budapest”, because it’s the capital of HUNGRY!”


Rapier Tapir was killed by Endless Chaos in a possible future, but in that possible future, Sharp Sharply was sent back in time to prevent Rapier Tapir from being killed by Endless Chaos.
Whether he succeeds or fails, we’ve yet to find out. Depends on how distracted by the Swor’nament he is/was/will be.

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Yeah that makes sense…

So from what I can gather from DC is that Kargob told Xiphos not to trust Baltad and that Xiphos is a “replacement” https://swordscomic.com/comic/DC/

Does Kargob appear chronologically after this comic? What happened to him? Is he gone? Why was Kargob drawn so differently in that comic? Is the 4 eye Kargob the same as the six-eye one, or is there going to be a plot twist concerning that?

So many questions…

Also why isn’t stroller tagged in the comic about eternal slumber two comics back?

What makes you say “possible future”?

Because that would open up a whole new discussion

Oh my god! Xiphos is alive! (Kinda)

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Oh and if anyone’s confused the orcs got the sample from the smart sword that initiated “obvious betrayal sequence”

Also a cool thing someone else pointed out was that the smart sword light became red whenever he was in danger or about to be like in this comic: Swords | CCLXX - Bag of Infinite Swords

Cool stuff

If I flipped a coin, the two possible futures are that it lands heads up or tails up.
If, in the possible future where it ends heads up, future me intends to go back to before I flipped the coin and put something on the coin to bias it to land tails up, and goes back, then until future me actually applies the bias, the heads up future is still a possibility.
Similarly, until Sharp Sharply actually prevents Rapier Tapir from being killed by Endless Chaos, then that is still a possibility.

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Oh… I haven’t thought of that


So where did Tim the time knife guy get that prosthetic hand?

Some time (no pun intended) between the Battle at the Dawn of Time and DCC.
It looks like Orc tech, so will possibly be a configuration of another SmartSword™.

I think you’re forgetting he had the longsword of time :slight_smile:

*Takes deep breath… LOOOOORE!!! Also oh noes!

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No, he had the Time knife.
Until Knife lopped off his hand, that was holding it, with the Longsword of Time.
And, I wasn’t forgetting that the wounded Tim was last seen with Shiv (and the Longsword of Time) at the Battle at the Dawn of Time. I was making the inference that he eventually gets returned to a point close enough to DCC, where he can get his prosthetic hand.
In at least one possible future, anyway.


Time travel is weird and imo can make or break any storyline, and can make any story make perfect sense, or none at all

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Look the only time travel I accept is flashbacks and showing present time. No nonsense where I need a chart to keep track of anything. Magic and mages can be in the comic but swords are strong than magic everytime. Hence the name sword comics.

Dang, this comic really had me going

Probably last remark: baltad wants his crown back from 3 eye, that’s probably why he wants Xiphos

the idea of a new demon king with robot parts makes me think of the monster used at the end of the Phineas and Ferb episode, Nerds of a feather.