Swords | DCCLXXV ~ The Demon Sword Chronicles ~ V

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/DCCLXXV/

first, also im not sure if we will get any more backstorys

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Considering how much Endless Chaos has been whining about being stuck, I doubt “letting more of his demons out” is all he really wants here.

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“Everybody wins, huh, Jer?”
“Well obviously, only one person wins, it was just supposed to be me.”

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Given how his lovely demons break through to the mortal realm, I’d have thought he’d be relieved she’s in there to hold them back!

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Those tentacles of his are rather expressive, aren’t they? Cute.

Note the small starburst behind “me” in the first line. Makes me think of how Pandemonium’s first-person pronouns were all colorized in its colours. Although it doesn’t apply anywhere else for Chaos here.

The daggodils (see DXLVI for the minimal context) in the bottom-right corner of panel four don’t seem to mean much. But then why are they there? Are they going to tie into foreshadowing later?

Is Demon Island literally a crater? In XIV, Kargob seemingly drops his godsword from the heavens; perhaps he took a similarly flippant approach to the Demon Swords? Although the Fang didn’t land with such force, so that’s probably a silly theory.

Do all the demons have a demon realm? Sacred, Chaos, and Slumber certainly do; Hunger has “inside his body”, which maybe can be thematically considered as ‘his realm’ for a demon themed around consumption (and it didn’t seem to be literally inside his body). There is little evidence for Fury, Omens, or Darkness having one (unless you really stretch as to the Pocket Dimension from CX)

Is it really an evil army if he can’t control it? Or if Chaos can control the chaos demons (and of course he can’t, they’re chaos demons), why hasn’t he made one of them pick him up and move him, at least to somewhere else on the island, since he’s clearly sick of that cave.


If it were a crater, the crags would jut outward, not inward. Also, you neglect to consider the possibility of Chaos just not being particularly smart or clever. And even if he was, sometimes such simple solutions never cross your mind.


Endless Chaos is adorable when he isn’t killing my favorite tapir in the whole world.


I really love how mere’s home island and hiltrock island are in the background

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I was kinda hoping for another’x is power’ alt text.

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Yooooo new comic is out

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Why didn’t he mention unspeakable darkness and sacred oath?

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I’m guessing Stroller will go in just to save Neverwarden who in turn will not be grateful for the rescue. She is no damsel in distress!

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Also I was thinking about how the next episode should be unspeakable darkness and just realized that the void darkness is sealed in in DXXXVIII might actually be the darkness before time since kargob calls it “his void” and he is referenced as the ruler of the darkness before time through the time swords arc

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