Swords | DCCLXXVIII ~ The Beginning Of Time ~ Part One

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/DCCLXXVIII/

Holy crud! That’s all very intense! Theoretically, all the gods did something similar to their worlds?

fun detail, when pandemoneum refers to himself, it goes form the top eye and then counter clockwise, ex being now , going red yellow orange green, or when the blue eye was on top, going blue dark blue orange purple. found this out months ago


It’s here. It’s finally here.

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awww crap wait. why do i feel like baltad is plotting something evil. its like he just waited for kargob to no longer have power so he could manipulate xiphos into doing something with him in his plan, It feels like Xiphos is meant to replace Kargob and potentially would be as strong as him? Hes LITERALLY the god of destruction I mean why wouldnt he be plotting destruction. Did he seal a demon sword just to unleash that specific one later?

Okay, so gods are liches, who have siphoned the souls of the living. The gods of swordiverse might have even killed off a whole previous universe, as they exist in the darkness before time. These are not the acts of good individuals, if such morality is even applicable here.

Could it be that Pandemonium isn’t the villain we are led to believe? They act against Baltad but we are seeing another side of him, and perhaps gods as a whole. If Pandemonium is the counterpart to the gods, could it be that we’ve been on the wrong side of the story?

Demon swords might be wreaking havoc, but perhaps that’s because they aren’t a full personality, but unbridled emotion, traits and desires/primal needs. Perhaps if the splinters gathered into a whole again, there might be a more peaceful entity than the pieces are? And yes, I know we’ve seen that Pandemonium has been acting quite aggressively, but that has always been in opposition to gods.

Something to think about.

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Also does this mean that in comic DC we see Kargob finishing their Unfinished Business and moving on?

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pandemonium was the original god I think, because it even called Baltad a “pretender”. Now I wonder what Kargobs role in all of this was


Wait a second, so that means the vision Bread Knight had before fighting King Tapir was of Baltad.
(Great job @GlassDwarf for predicting that back in october).
What if Baltad has been trying to push Ryan to do what Baltad did himself?

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Perhaps, after the failure of the godsword plan and Kargob’s death, Baltad is realizing his own mortality and wants to raise Ryan as his successor?

Also can’t wait to see the organic forms of the other gods

maybe hes trying to get his crown back

if thats the same crown that baltad had, that rapier tapir is holding

im also now thinking Argok and baltad are in cahoots. And then Argok is said to be the god of deception, he left guardians near all of the demon swords. I just dont know what he put them there for

WHOOOOA. That’s some DENSE lore, holy ship! Also, now that I think about it, depending on the rules of Liches in this comic that could be dicey for Xiphos, since he might have to, like, eat souls now or something?

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Going off the information we have right now, my guess is that Baltad went through the process of becoming a lich (becoming a god in the process) in an attempt to stop Pandemonium from becoming more powerful, but he ended up not being able to stop Pandemonium until he was able to combine his efforts with Kargob, Bograk, Argok, and Greg.

This is, of course, going off the assumption that Baltad’s little history lesson isn’t a case of him being an unreliable narrator… and considering that he’s already proven to be a scheming and deceitful person, I wouldn’t put it past him to fudge the details a bit to sway Xiphos into going along with whatever his latest plot might be.


It was oooooooooooooooooo who first identified Baltad, GlassDwarf was agreeing with them :slight_smile:

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Yeah I was about to say, I don’t want to take credit for someone else’s theory!

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Someone else’s swooorrrd theory! And remember that’s just a (proven) theory thanks for watching

well, lich or not, baltad brought the wonderous flame to our realm, so he will always be great in my book. but if stabastian resembles baltad’s old sword, i must have stabastian and figure out his true power.