Swords | DCCXLIX ~ Stolen Valor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/DCCXLIX/

Wow so suprise, even though he’s not that buff and have no blue lines, he’s voice probably sound more whiny than xiphos, un expected:o

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And then he see her ex-girlfriend mom wow, the world is so small

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That alt text XD

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We knew that there would be a day when this would happen to smith

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So we gonna see xiphos god form now?

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People change when they’ve been away from home for a while.

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People change every day 🫨 What are the changes you are referring to?

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They’re joking about how Smith is completely different in appearance to Xiphos


TBF, it’s surprising that Xiphos’ wives didn’t pick up on something being off when they and “King Xiphos” watched Harpe in brief conversation with Xiphos’ animated corpse, immediately after the demon’s defeat.


Oh I just relise that

They’ve never seen him with his helmet off


Then how did they kiss in the wedding, like just kiss on the helmet?

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I just realized, Smith never did tell Harpe that Xiphos is proud of her like he said he would.

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Well, he never really got a chance, till now.

i wouldn’t be surprised if that’s true. those barbarians sure love their bucket helmets.