Swords | DCCXLVI ~ Burning Resolve

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/DCCXLVI/

Hmm, this doesn’t look good. I hope he doesn’t get corrupted by this new power, ending up as the vision he just saw.

So one crown is the Hiltshire crown, but what’s the second one?

Could be a wild stab in the dark (light?), but maybe the one Baltad lost when he was impaled by PanDEMONium.

Oh snap… did Baltad orchestrate the burning of Baguette Town?
All for the sake of turning Ryan into his champion and pushing him to take over Hiltshire?

He couldn’t have, since Kargob chose Ryan as Baltad’s champion after Smith, the former champion, dropped the sword hilt into the barrel of flour.

I think that the red core should get some art on its wiki page, it’s in so many episodes now

Woah, it wasn’t until I was trying to work out when Bread Knight lost his eye that I realised his quest to collect items came after the Swor’nament. Anyway, for anyone who can’t remember the eye was damaged battling in the Fungeon in CLVII*. Perhaps the appearance change was supposed to make the chronology a bit more obvious and I just missed it.

I wonder if his new eye is the Godsword core?

*Actually see McMasterx’s comment below.

I wonder if Baltad would’ve done this with Smith, too, if he had remained as his champion. But what tragic backstory would have empowered Smith? Harpe leaving him, in page XX? I mean, we know that it happened before the rest of the story because he’s missing the scars that he earned during and after the Swor’nament and because of Smith’s reaction to finding out Harpe’s identity in LXXXII.

No actually, in CLVII he just gets part of his face flayed, in CCLXX (Bag of Infinite Swords) he gets the iconic eye gash, and his eye just turns into a black spot. In CCCXXVII his face is healing from the Fungeon Flaying, but his eye is still there underneath the healing skin.

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Ha, you’re right. So he gets a bandage in exactly the right spot for his scar, but then heals perfectly and immediately gets hit again in the same place. I guess that was supposed to be a joke but I didn’t get it given the messed up chronology.