This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/YearVII/
so the 8th demon is lost in the void? interesting.
And just look at the weapon it’s holding: a sword!
Imagine if it’d been the one holding an axe!
I think I’ve put this theory elsewhere, but don’t think the sword demon is going to be lost in the void. Instead, I think we’re going to see Kargob (or some other force) make the Sworld out of the body/essence of the Sword demon, especially now that it’s been separated from the rest of panDEMONium.
It’s reminiscent of Norse mythology, where the world was created when Odin, Vili, and Vé killed the great frost giant Ymir, took his body to the Ginnungagap (a void much like we see here) and fashioned the world out of his corpse.
you’re right. that’s possibility too.
I wonder if we will get an explanation to the green one, like maybe we can see if they turn out to be the 3 eyed demon sword
Congrats on the Anniversary! AWESOME panel
I’m almost certain they will. Maybe there’s a lore reason the demon sword is black instead of dark green, but I think it might have more to do with the fact that black wouldn’t show up well against the backdrop of the void.