Swords | The First Patron Swor'nament ~ Blood and Sand

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://swordscomic.com/comic/P29/

Wait Matt is it your birthday?

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Hmm, the Birthday Blade has appeared four times and never on the same day of the year - so maybe not his?


Yeah, but Caffeknight seems to be Matt’s in-universe persona.

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I want an in universe persona!


Make a webcomic then lol

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I’ve tried my man. I’ve tried

I just need this thing called T A L E N T, of which I am severely lacking


awww dont be sad, just become a sword like me! them you have a in universe persona!

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i myself have an in universe persona and i can’t draw good at all.

i mean my persona isn’t techically canon but still

mushrooooooom juice.

see last comic DCCCXXXI