The Mysterious Goblin is also known as the Travel Goblin, who first appears in Swords IV.
The Mysterious Dwarf appears in Swords CCXXXVIII (where he attempts to replace the two-eyed Demon Sword)
The Mysterious Elf first appears in Swords CCVI (he/she pulls the four-eyed Demon Sword out of The Whitesmith)
The Mysterious Troll appears in Swords CCXCIX (who greets the Stroller after he shipwrecks on Demon Island, which seems to be the home of the five-eyed Demon Sword, who is possessing some sort of Minotaur-like creature (see Swords CLVI))
Hope this helped @EndyStar!
I had never realised thise were masks! I always thought they were just a stylistic choice of creature that had part of their skull sticking out! Clearly I havent been paying close enough attention. It’s interesting though, there are misinterpretations of how many eyes Karhob has, but these masks show that they have a pretty good idea of what Baltad looks like.
Oh, sorry. I suspect that they are masks, but they could very well be augmented skulls or something else entirely. I don’t think it’s been confirmed what they are.
Just something I noticed about the Kargob-eyes thing. Has anyone noticed that the skulls on Kris the Necromancer’s shoulders only have six eyes (see Swords CXLIV), while the popular belief throughout the rest of Hiltshire is that Kargob has eight eyes (see Swords L)?
I mean, the 6 eyes vs 8 eyes has been a debate since the beginning of time. Swords L just shows that it’s a very debatable topic. I suspect everyone has their own belief of it.
I kinda wanna see more of some characters that have only really appeared once, like the Squid Cultist, Guss, and The Cave Litch!
I’m surprised Xiphos hasn’t said anything about that yet, having been at the head of a war over the subject.
But what I really want to hear more about is shields! They have no blade on them anywhere. Which heretic invented them? Was it Greg? Is that why no one talks about him?
I’m sorry user @Not_An_Eavesdropper but I’m going to have to report you. This is a Swords forum, shields have nothing to do with it, unless the sheild is made of swords or the sword is made of sheilds.
Edit: Do note I am not actually going to report you, that would be unreasonable.
Out of all of the demon swords, I think that the Sword of Absolute Fury could have some more love than its vain three-eyed brother!
I would love to see more of the squid cultists or about Argok, the God of Wind.
That’s interesting. Argok’s Edge was the first sword consumed by the Demon King. Is he/she inside the Demon King with Kargob, Bograk, and Xiphos?
I think the masks are the same as the head of baltad.
@Not_An_Eavesdropper, it could have been made by Greg or most probably Argok as he has never appeared in a comic once! He invented shields and everyone hated him for it so he was banished to Katana and gives his sword to Ōdachi. But of corse this is just a theory… but it might explain why Argoks edge is a katana.
I have some ideas for new characters, would you consider them?
.Elf Bezos: A business rival to Steve Orcs who monopolizes a new method of delivering potions.
.Scythe: Sickle’s twin brother who returns to help with her business and invents the lance (the citizens just call it a thrusting sword for there are little benefits when swinging it.)
.Elder Ent: A Great Deku Tree-like being whose roots are valued to make swords, but will use said roots to defend himself, and the faeries he cares for.
.Roach Golem: A bioweapon made by combining stolen demon DNA with smartsword technology to serve as the prototype to a cyber-demon army.
.Kaiser Tzonia: A crooked warlord who seeks all nine of the demon swords in order to become all powerful, but ends up becoming an incomplete monster in the end.
Thanks. I have some more ideas if you’d like to hear them.
I would love to hear more ideas.
we see Bograk’s sword later in the timeline but maybe it was not the same sword and we know he was in the demon king’s body because he’s the sword of light.
As far as I understand it, Argok is not trapped in the Demon King’s body because of the way his power is distributed. Just like how Baltad and Greg didn’t get trapped because there was still some power in the remaining parts of their swords, Argok wasn’t trapped because most of his power was still present in the material world. As far as I understand it, Argok had a plan to keep the demon swords sealed by giving humans magical weapons, but this went wrong in a variety of ways. So he ended up splitting his power into seven fragments which inhabited people from seven different races. Each of these was supposed to watch over a different demon sword, but last I checked that’s not going very well.
that makes thing clearer
they are essentially power rangers